Pat's Chat,

Some people seem to think that character traits like negative and positive attitudes are  sort of "set in stone".  I don't believe that.  Especially negative thinking and depression.  I believe that we can change any of our negative thinking if we think about it.  I got these ideas from a newsletter I received the other day and it made sense.  You can view and download archived issues of the newsletter, Reflections, if you want to at  and view or download issues.


They mention that this would take time, and could not happen overnight.  It depends on what we spend our time thinking about or watching or listening to.  News can be very depressing, have you noticed?  Certain of us have friends who tend to be negative and critical.  My mom and dad would not listen to the news (it was the l940's and 50's and we had relatives in the service fighting in the war).  She told me that they did that (turned off the news, at the time we had no television) because I got so upset.  If it is negative-talking or critical of fellow-workers, perhaps we could try to put a more positive focus on the people or situation we are talking about.  Sometimes, for me, it is just easier to get out of the room.  


If something you KNOW triggers your negative  side, change your thoughts to something you like.  And choose  your friends wisely.  Love everyone, but spend your time with people who bring out the best in you.


Try to find activities that you are good at or love and do those things often.  I had a good friend and neighbor who moved away, I am sorry to say, but Jane and I loved Scrabble and we were both good at it.  I miss being able to call her up and get a game going.  Maybe it is taking a walk.  Find a partner.'  Choose your friends wisely, too. Although we should be kind to all and love them, 


Remember that every day is a fresh start.  "'Consider the timeless wisdom of Romans 12:2, "Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.'" from The Reflections newsletter says we cannot be transformed by attending conferences on positive thinking or by being nicer people.  'We're transformed by renovating our thought life.  Each of our inner thoughts and desires emerges in one way or another--no matter how hard we may try to mask them. When Jesus said, 'Out of the overflow of the heart, the mouth speaks,'  He certainly knew what He was talking about.'  Conquering negativity is about more than putting on a happy face and learning to say and do the 'right' thing.  The real issue is a matter of the heart and mind. Without a doubt, nurturing inward transformation will lead to a positive, healthier view of yourself and the life you are leading."



Sabbath School After Dark

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The Great Controversy 

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The Great Controversy (2nd Quarter 2024)